The Matrix Assessment Profile (M.A.P.)
What is the M.A.P.?
First and foremost, it’s important to recognize that the MAP is not a standalone evaluation test. Nor, does it diagnose disease. It is, however, an extremely effective interpretative tool that can provide a unique perspective for assessing some basic biological functions and allow us the opportunity to evaluate the integrity of the internal environment of the body, including your biological age, which simply indicates the rate at which the cells in your body are aging compared to your actual chronological age.
Since almost 80% of all chronic degenerative diseases are associated with diet and over 90% of all visits to physician’s offices are stress related the following questions must be asked and answered.
What is the right diet for you? Each person comes from a different heritage/background and due to this, different diets are required.
Is your body digesting, assimilating, metabolizing, and using the food properly to give itself energy, growth and repair, and all the chemicals necessary for survival?
The M.A.P. provides a tool for managing chronic deficiencies and imbalances through the use of nutraceuticals and dietary nutrition to support the compromised gland, organ, or system.

The Benefits of a M.A.P.
- You will observe objective findings, not just subjective changes such as "I feel better". You will see hard-core results. Improvements or lack-of improvements can be monitored on follow-up testing.
- The M.A.P. can help examine the body from a chemical perspective.
- It is an evaluation procedure that is recognized and agreed upon by all physicians. This diagnostic tool has some real hard-core scientific data, evidence, and facts to back it up.
- The M.A.P. provides a biochemical explanation as to what is causing chronic symptoms and health problems at the cellular level.
- This evaluation provides nutritional recommendations based scientific data and evidence, not on symptoms.
How It Works:
The Matrix Assessment Profile is based upon three measured values in the two biological fluids of urine, and saliva. A sophisticated algorithym is built into the evaluation software which allows us to predict the same findings in the blood.These values correspond to the three physiological factors of congestion, energy production, and digestion. These three factors can then be associated with various physiological systems in the body. The traditional analysis creates objectives and recommendations targeted at 17 different physiological systems of the body as they relate to the issues of congestion, energy production, and digestion. The function of every major system in the body can be evaluated for stress, dysfunction, deficiency, imbalance, and involvement in any group of chronic symptoms.
The systems assessed include the adrenal glands, kidneys, liver, cellular, lymphatic, immune, mitochondria, digestive, and elimination. In addition, heavy metal toxicity and free radical-antioxidant ratios can be evaluated. Finally, mineral balance and nutrient density can be assessed in light of specific supply and demand issues in all of these major systems.
All of this information can then be translated into rate of cellular aging compared to your actual chronological age, known as your biological age. Nutritional, dietary, and lifestyle modification recommendations can then be developed specific to your individual biochemical needs.
Purchase Options

Standard MAP Kit (without consultation)
When you order your Matrix Assessment Profile you’ll receive:
- Your own personal evaluation kit with easy to follow instructions.
- Sample containers and personal confidential history forms.
Once evaluated, your Personal Report will be sent to you, and it will include:
- Detailed explanations of the findings in your personal evaluation.
- Colorful graphs and illustrations for greater understanding of your evaluation.
- Comprehensive recommendations for any conventional or alternative considerations.
- Dietary recommendations based upon your blood type and specific biological needs.
Price: $249.00

The MAP Kit and Evaluation (including 30 min. consultation)
In addition to the MAP Kit and Report, this option includes a personal 30 Minute Consultation with Dr.DiCenso - Specific recommendations for therapeutic supplementation based upon your profile. Dr. DiCenso will go over your results, share specific recommendations based upon your report and profile, and answer any questions you may have.
Price: $349.00

Beyond Medicine, Exploring a New Way of Thinking
By Dr. Richard A. Discenso (hardcover)
In his groundbreaking book, Dr. D. shares his invaluable insights into wellness, examining why so many people are suffering needlessly from unresolved symptoms and dont know what to do. Not feeling well is not normal, but now theres an answer. Dr. Richard DiCenso has identified the experience of constant unresolved symptoms as a Vicious Cycle Disorder (VCD). This experience is distinguished by chronic, lowgrade symptoms with no apparent cause. He details the causes of Vicious Cycle Disorders (VCD) in this book.
Price: $24.95

Matrix Transformation VIP Membership
You can join the membership community for one month for $39.95 (only one is required per family - cancel anytime). This provides month-long access to all weekly Ask DRD calls, all weekly recorded members-only calls, PLUS members-only discounts, e.g. MAP evaluations @ $150.00 per person and consults @ $75.00.
Price: $39.95 monthly (recurring charge every 30 days)